Physiotherapy Assessment

Injury Assessment

Have a running injury that you need addressed?Book a 60 minute initial assessment. After a thorough interview where I’ll gather your running history, how your injury developed and your specific running goals, I’ll do a detailed assessment to diagnose your injury. Then together we will come up with a treatment plan. $125.00

Strength Assessment

Wondering if you have any weak areas that should be addressed? Book a 60 minute initial assessment. We’ll do strength tests of the major running muscles including the calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes. Then we’ll do a functional strength assessment. Based on the findings I can put together a customized strength training program to address your specific needs. $125.00.

Running Assessment

Interested in having your running form analyzed? Book a 30 minute appointment. Bring your running gear including the shoes you currently run in. If you’ve recently purchased new sneakers bring your old ones as well. I’ll have you run at an easy comfortable pace and if appropriate a faster race pace. Videos will be taken from side on, front on and back on which we’ll review together after the analysis is complete. $87.50